Bali Elephant Park & Jungle Buggies by Mason Adventures


If you want a memory you will never forget in Bali choosing Mason Adventures is a must!

I had a blast driving Jungle Buggies and visiting the magical Mason Elephant Park just north of Ubud, Bali. Incredibly well organised and enriching you won't be disappointed with any and every experience you choose.


Hi Wanderers! Madeline here again, founder & illustrator at Wander Scarf. I had the most Wanderful day with Mason Adventures that started with exploring the jungle in buggies and ended bathing with elephants.

The Mason Elephant Park and Jungle Buggies along with other actives such as white water rafting and mountain cycling are located just north of Ubud. You can book a pick up through the Mason Adventures team or rent a scooter and ride there from downtown Ubud yourself, its that easy.

Mason adventures has many packages and activities that you can choose from. You have the option of combining two things in one day like I did or experiencing one activity on its own. Check it out here: Mason Adventures.


Upon entering the Jungle Buggy facility you are greeted by a beautiful pool view. If I didn't know I was hopping in the water with some elephants right after this I would have totally taken a dip. So if you love a great pool I would suggest bringing a bathing suit to take a plunge after tearing it up in the dirt.

After a quick safety video we jumped into our Buggies and hit the jungle! Our guide Mistari was super fun and informative. He knew I was writing an article and paused to take photos and videos so you all could see how rad the jungle buggies are which was so kind and wonderful!

Mistari also explained the land for the jungle buggy track is rented from the local village that Mason Adventures maintains a close relationship, support and mutually beneficial partnership with.


This experience definitely exceeded my expectations. We opted for the extra lap because it was just so fun!

First lets answer the most important question, why are these elephants here? An infographic at the entrance of the Mason Elephant Park answers this question specifically:

The Mason Elephant park prioritizes these gentle giants medical, health care and safety. The park gives all elephants daily vitamin supplements, regular anti worm dosing and six monthly injections for diseases such as tetanus. As an animal and elephant lover knowing these magical creatures are extremely well looked after, happy and taken care of is of the utmost importance.

Pictured below is the area that is open to all visitors with an admissions pass. If you don't opt to partake in the washing, bathing or elephant ride you can come here to observe, interact with, feed and crown some elephant queens in flowers.


The cutest thing I learned is 'the elephant kiss.' Elephants often place their trunk tip in another's mouth and it is adorable to behold. When they are very young, this usually means they are taking a tidbit of food from their mother; as they get older it becomes a recognition signal between family members. How incredible is that!

The mason elephant park opens with a lovely little museum that answers any other questions you have. You can check out my pictures here or visit yourself, and I hope you do!

I had an incredible time with Mason Adventures and hope to visit again soon. Until next time!





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Hi! I'm Madeline.